Skin Care Routine

Skin Care Routine

Your skin is beautiful and it deserves a skin care routine. Great skin takes time and does not just happen overnight. Some doctors recommend giving your routine 28-42 days to see the great results that you desire. No matter what, You will need to build and maintain a skin care routine that is personal to you. 


There are many steps that can be applied in your skincare routine. This routine is short and sweet to get you started and on the right track to a more complex routine. REMEMBER THE BIG 3! CLEANSE, TONE,  and MOISTURIZE! These simple 3 steps should be followed EVERY DAY! You will notice great results with this consistent routine once or twice a day no matter what your skin type is.


CLEANSE- I didn’t think that I had to say this but here it goes... WASH YOUR FACE! Simple. Washing your face twice daily with a facial cleanser or soap removes dirt and every day build up that clogs your pores.


TONE- This step is great for getting rid of or keeping acne away. Toning corrects and balance your skins pH. There is no need for you to buy expensive toners. You can use products that you may already have at home such as aloe or witch hazel.


MOITURIZE- This steps is just good for your overall skin health. It helps to lock in moisture to the skin leaving it nice and hydrated. Especially for those with dry skin. 


Moral of the story is... Get a skin care routine! Even if it’s only these short 3 steps you will notice improvement in your skins health. 

1 comment

  • Keante

    I love you and all of your soaps. My overall skin has improved in appearance and on camera. I have small blemishes but for the most part I look smooth and bright and I feel smooth. Double Win! I STAN GRANTED BEAUTY🍃✨

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